Centre for System Design
Te Whaitua Whakāhua Pūnaha

Our offerings

Systems approaches, heavily grounded in System Dynamics, have been at the core of Synergia’s business since it was established in 1999. The name Synergia is itself a reminder of that heritage, a commitment to ‘bringing together’ the key people, resources and ideas within any system as it is only through the act of ‘bringing together’ that the benefits of synergy can be realised. The sum of collective understanding and action is truly far in excess of those in the system working alone.

We now have over 20 years experience applying the concepts, methods and tools of systems thinking to issues affecting health, education and social service organisations in New Zealand and Australia. Key areas we have worked in include, acute demand for health services, renal care, diabetes, health impact assessments, regional health strategies, chronic care, mental health, end-of-life and palliative care, dementia, children youth and family services, and family and sexual violence. We have also over this period undertaken a number funded research projects that have used system thinking, and especially System Dynamics, as a core part of the research method.

Establishing the Centre for System Design enables us to build upon this rich experience to offer high quality, academically robust and very practical services to the challenges and opportunities faced by health and social shrive organisations and by communities. We offer a range of consulting and evaluation services, research and trining and development. Our goal is to build understanding and capability so that people are better able to tackle the major intersecting health issues of our time including climate change, wellbeing, mental health and equity in New Zealand and Australia.